Category: Places

Shiloh Winery, featuring Amichai Luria [The Jewish Drinking Show episode 157]

In the 157th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we visit Amichai Luria, the winemaker for Shiloh Winery to hear about the winery🍷 In addition to being available below in video format, the episode is also available in podcast format on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you prefer listening to podcasts:

Israel Episodes of The Jewish Drinking Show

With today being Yom Ha’Atzma’ut, celebrating the 76th anniversary of the modern state of Israel, in case you’re looking for Israel-related content, here is a listing of Israel-related episodes of The Jewish Drinking Show: Wine in Israel, featuring Erik Segelbaum Modern Israeli Wine History, Part 1: Early History, featuring Adam Montefiore Modern Israeli Wine History, Part […]

“Sip For Solidarity” – Consider Israeli Wines During These Tough Times

The world of wine in Israel, perhaps the oldest wine-producing region in the world, has always represented a sense of peace and goodwill, but has become collateral damage of the horrible atrocities that occurred on Shemini Atzeret (October 7th). To raise awareness and in support of Israel and Israeli wineries, the Israeli Wine Producers Association […]

Jerusalem’s First (& Only) Distillery, featuring Bennett Kaplan [The Jewish Drinking Show ep. 145]

Throughout Jerusalem’s multi-millenial history, there had never been a distillery…until a few years ago. As part of The Jewish Drinking Show‘s Toast to Israel at 75 mini-series, co-founder and co-CEO of Thinkers Distillery, Bennett Kaplan, joins the show to speak about this historic distillery. In addition to being available below in video format, the episode is […]

Creative Brewing in Israel, featuring Shmuel Naky and Ephraim Greenblatt [The Jewish Drinking Show episode 144]

Continuing on in our Toast to Israel at 75 mini-series, this episode features Shmuel Naky and Ephraim Greenblatt, brewer and owner, respectively, of Hatch Brewing in Jerusalem. In some respects, it follows from the previous episode of the show, focussing on creating a brewery in Jerusalem. In addition to being available below in video format, […]

Creating a Brewery in Jerusalem, featuring Ephraim Greenblatt and Shmuel Naky [The Jewish Drinking Show episode 143]

Continuing on in our Toast to Israel at 75 mini-series, this episode features Ephraim Greenblatt and Shmuel Naky, owner and brewery, respectively, of Hatch Brewing in Jerusalem. In addition to being available below in video format, the episode is also available in podcast format on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you prefer listening to […]

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