Category: Rabbinic Literature

Gentile Libation Wine (יין נסך) in the Mishnah and Tosefta

Intro A topic that has significantly affected the discourse concerning gentile wine in Judaism from antiquity and up through the present day is that of יין נסך – gentile libation wine. It receives significant treatment in early rabbinic literature, such as the Mishnah and Tosefta of Avodah Zarah. To discuss this issue for the 71st episode […]

Women and the Four Cups of Wine at the Passover Seder

Introduction The 63rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features Miriam Gedweiser in conversation with Rabbi Drew Kaplan about the Talmudic inclusion of women for the four cups of wine at the Passover Seder. Guest Bio Miriam Gedwiser teaches Talmud and Tanach at the Ramaz Upper School and is on the faculty of Drisha. Miriam […]

Angels and Asparagus: Discussing a Curious Talmudic Beverage

Introduction The 57th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features a discussion on angels and…asparagus. Featuring Prof. Mika Ahuvia, whose research includes her doctoral dissertation, “Israel Among the Angels: A Study of Angels in Jewish Texts from the Fourth to Eighth Century CE” (Princeton, 2014), so she is well-situated to discuss the curious intersection of angels […]

Praying Under the Influence (& Providing Halakhic Guidance) featuring Rabbi David Polsky [Episode #56 of The Jewish Drinking Show Episode]

First time guest Rabbi David Polsky joins the 56th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show to discuss both providing halakhic guidance as well as praying under the influence of alcohol in Rabbinic literature. The episode is available both in video and in podcast forms. Here is the video episode: Here is the podcast episode:

The Rabbinic Drinking House (בית משתה) in the Mishnah and Tosefta

What is the Rabbinic drinking house? Joining the 55th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is Professor Jordan Rosenblum to discuss the phrase בית משתה in the Mishnah and the Tosefta with host Rabbi Drew Kaplan. Professor Rosenblum is the Belzer Professor of Classical Judaism, the Max and Frieda Weinstein-Bascom Professor of Jewish Studies at […]

Wine in Mishnah Berakhot: An Introduction [DRAFT]

Introduction Wine’s appearances in Tractate Berakhot in the Mishnah all appear in chapters 6-8, the chapters that deal with consumptive activities.[1] Out of the tractates of the Mishnah, Tractate Berakhot features the fifth-most appearances of wine,[2] seemingly due to that “the tractates in which wine appears most frequently is because these are tractates that focus […]

Lot and His Daughters’ Drinking Episode in the Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah)

For the 49th episode of the podcast/video series, Rabbi Josh Yuter join the show in discussing midrashim on the drunken incident involving Lot and his daughters in Genesis chapter 19 with show host Rabbi Drew Kaplan. Rabbi Yuter recently returned to podcasting, having relaunched his new podcast What’s the Point of the Midrash?, exploring […]

A Significant Rabbinic Discussion on Wine & Drinking: Eruvin 64-65

One of the lengthier discussions on wine and drinking in rabbinic literature occurs in the Babylonian Talmud on Eruvin 64-65, which happens to also be the pages of the current Daf Yomi cycle for today and tomorrow. Enjoy this introductory overview of the drinking texts on pages Eruvin 64a, Eruvin 64b, Eruvin 65a, and Eruvin […]

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