Category: The Jewish Drinking Show

The Rabbinic Abstraction of the Symposium into the Term חבורה in Tannaitic Texts

In this clip from the 112th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Orit Malka discusses the rabbinic abstraction of the symposium into the term חבורה in Tannaitic texts, using Mishnah Berakhot 6:6 and Tosefta Berakhot 4:8:

The Term חבורה (havurah) in Tannaitic Literature, featuring Dr. Orit Malka [Episode 112 Of The Jewish Drinking Show]

A term that doesn’t seem to have any obvious connection with drinking חבורה (havurah) – yet, it comes up not infrequently within a drinking context in early rabbinic (tannaitic) literature. As such, the 112th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is dedicated to exploring this connection featuring Dr. Orit Malka. Dr. Malka is a researcher […]

Wine and Shemittah, featuring Rabbi Ezra Friedman [Episode 111 of The Jewish Drinking Show]

A question I have been receiving since this year is a shemittah year, is “What is the deal with Shemittah wine?” To answer this question is first-time guest to The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Ezra Friedman. Rabbi Friedman is the Deputy Rabbinic Administrator of OU Kosher in Israel, the Director of the OU Gustave and Carol […]

Byzantine-Era Winery in Yavneh

When the news was released in October that the largest Byzantine-era was discovered in Israel, it widely received coverage (including The Washington Post, Smithsonian Magazine, NPR, The Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, and many more), which is great. One of the lead archaeologists on that excavation is Dr. Jon Seligman, who joins The Jewish Drinking Show for episode […]

Jacob Ner-David – Jezreel Valley Winery

Following-up from the previous episode of the show on Israeli wines, the 109th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features Jacob Ner-David on the Israeli winery he co-founded, Jezreel Valley Winery. Ner-David is a 20+year veteran of serial entrepreneurship and technology innovation with deep connectivity in the Israeli and American venture scene. Ner-David is the […]

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