Tag: Purim

Rabbi David HaLevi “TaZ” Segal’s Novel Opinion on Purim-Drinking

In this clip from the 94th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi David Fried and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss Rabbi David HaLevi “TaZ” Segal‘s novel opinion on Purim-drinking: This clips is also available on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

16th-17th Century Rabbis on Purim-Drinking (Early Aharonim), featuring Rabbi David Fried [Episode 94]

With Purim on the horizon, it’s time to discuss Purim-drinking! Specifically, how have various rabbis discussed this matter? Having discussed medieval rabbis’ normative writings previously on The Jewish Drinking Show, I’m excited to welcome back Rabbi David Fried to discuss significant rabbinic normative writings in the 16th-17th centuries on this matter. Rabbi Fried teaches Judaics at […]

Rava’s Innovative Requirement of Purim Day-Drinking [Megillah 7b]

When Rava articulated “סְעוּדַת פּוּרִים שֶׁאֲכָלָהּ בַּלַּיְלָה — לֹא יָצָא יְדֵי חוֹבָתוֹ” (Megillah 7b), what did he mean that one has not fulfilled one’s obligation for the celebratory Purim feast by only eating/drinking at night? Although I have previously written that Rava is not “saying that it is wrong or otherwise inappropriate to enjoy a […]

Medieval Jewish Legal Authorities (Rishonim) on Purim-Drunkenness

Introduction With Purim taking place at the end of this week, drinking on Purim is curiously an interesting topic of discussion. With the Talmudic statement to get drunk on Purim (for more on this topic in the Talmud, see this episode featuring Prof. Jordan Rosenblum), how do the medieval Jewish legal authorities deal with this […]

A Kabbalistic Approach to Purim-Drinking

Introduction With Purim on the horizon, the next three episodes of The Jewish Drinking Show are all Purim-related, kicking-off with the 59th episode on A Kabbalistic Approach to Purim-Drinking, looking into Rabbi Hayyim Vital’s approach to the topic. Bio The guest for this episode is Professor Vadim Putzu, an associate professor at Missouri State University, whose […]

Podcast Episode 20: Purim-Drinking in [Lubavitcher] Hasidic Thought

In the 20th podcast/video episode, Rabbi Eli Simpson returns to the show to share Hasidic and Lubavitcher Hasidic thinking on drinking on Purim. It’s no secret that Chabad Hasidim drink on Purim (as do all Hasidim), so what deeper insights do they have into drinking on Purim? And despite discussing the texts on Megillah 7b […]

Drinking on Purim in The Talmud

With Purim coming up in just two weeks, this episode is the second in JewishDrinking’s Purim 2020 series, with a third episode to be published next week. This week’s podcast/video episode features Professor Jordan Rosenblum, the Belzer Professor of Classical Judaism, the Max and Frieda Weinstein-Bascom Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, […]

Rava, Mordechai, and Purim-Drinking

With Purim right around the corner, it’s time to gear up for “the drinkingest day” on the Jewish calendar. To that end, this week’s podcast/video episode features a discussion with Rabbi Ayalon Eliach on the topic of the most famous statement related to Purim-drinking: “.אמר רבא: מיחייב איניש לבסומי בפוריא עד דלא ידע בין ארור […]

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