Geographical Reception of the “Diminishing Our Joy” Explanation for Dropping Wine at the Passover Seder [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 153rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron discusses the differing geographical reception of the “Diminishing our joy” explanation for dropping wine at the Passover Seder:
The Origin of the “Diminishing Our Joy” Explanation for Dropping Wine at the Passover Seder [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 153rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron discusses the origin of the “Diminishing our joy” explanation for dropping wine at the Passover Seder:
Rav Kook on Purim-Drinking [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 152nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi David Fried and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook’s view on Purim-drinking:
Rabbi Isserles on Purim Katan (14 Adar I) [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 151st episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss on Rabbi Moshe Isserles on the topic of Purim Katan (14 Adar I):
Tosafot on Purim Katan (14 Adar I) [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 151st episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss on Tosafot on the topic of Purim Katan (14 Adar I):
Wine Was Created to Comfort Mourners (Talmud) [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 150th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss Rabbi Ḥanin’s comment that wine was created to comfort mourners (Eruvin 65a & Sanhedrin 70a):
Aninut in the Talmud: No Drinking [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 150th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss the Talmud saying no to drinking…unless on Shabbat (Berakhot 17b-18a):
Inappropriate Drinking in the Bible [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton shares about inappropriate drinking in the Bible:
Considering Biblical Food & Drink Studies in the Academy [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton shares about the seeming lack heretofore of Biblical food and drink studies in the academy:
Translating שכר as Beer in the Bible [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton and Rabbi Drew discuss translating שכר as “beer” in the Bible: