North Shore Congregation Israel‘s Brotherhood held its largest event since the beginning of the pandemic a week and a half ago, kicking-off a return to large brotherhood events. The event? A delicious Bourbon-tasting along with a talk connecting whiskey in Jewish tradition. Pairing nicely with the tasty Bourbons was an enlightening and engaging talk on Bourbon and whiskey in Jewish history.

Speaking on “Whiskey in Jewish Life”, the evening’s featured speaker was Rabbi Drew Kaplan. Rabbi Kaplan, who runs Jewish Drinking and publishes the leading podcast on all things Jewish drinking, The Jewish Drinking Show, started off speaking about whiskey, in general, to provide a basis of knowledge for those who were less knowledgeable about the beverage. Rabbi Drew then moved on to speak about whiskey in Jewish life, the potential to use it in Jewish ritual practice, as well as in Jewish history. He finished off the talk speaking about significant Jews in American distilling history.

The tasting consisted of two separate groupings of Bourbons: the first consisted of more common Bourbons to familiarize attendees with what they might frequently encounter, while the second grouping provided an advanced tasting experience of Bourbons, including one of Buffalo Trace kosher whiskies.
“It was a great night in large part to Rabbi Drew’s excellent presentation and charisma,” said event co-chair Jordan Born. “I speak for myself, Aaron, NSCI staff, and the attendees we conversed with that they learned a lot and sincerely enjoyed the event.” Continuing his remarks, Born said, “We appreciated his efforts, unique local dram, and education. Rabbi Drew nailed it and was a true mentsch.”