Pandemic Pivoting in Israel with Joel Haber

How has the alcohol industry in Israel pivoted during the COVID-19 global pandemic? Returning as a guest to The Jewish Drinking Show to answer this question is Joel Haber. Haber speaks on how breweries, distilleries, and more have pivoted during this time period. Haber has been working on “The Taste of Jewish Culture”, a project on Jewish […]

Cincinnati Wine-Tasting Event: October 28, 2021

In 20 days, a wine-tasting event will be taking place in Cincinnati, Ohio to explore wine in the Jewish tradition and wine-tasting. Taking place at the Mayerson JCC on October 28th at 7pm, “An Introduction to Wine in Jewish Life: A Pairing of Tasting and Tradition” will be exactly that: an introduction to wine-tasting, as […]

Pandemic Liquor Sales, featuring Mendy Mark

How has the pandemic affected liquor sales? How has the pandemic affected kosher liquor sales? Returning to The Jewish Drinking Show is Mendy Mark, the manager at FillerUP Wines in Teaneck, NJ, who previously spoke about pre-pandemic liquor sales in episode #74. The episode is available on podcasting platforms, as well as on YouTube:

The Jews and Booze Facebook Group

Introduction Having come across the Jews & Booze Facebook group, I was pleasantly surprised to see a group discussing a topic near and dear to my heart, so I was glad to have the founder of the group as the guest for the 77th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show. Guest Bio For those less […]

The Kamtza and Bar Kamtza Episode

The 76th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features first-time guest, Rabbi Noah Ferro. Rabbi Ferro is the head rabbi at Northern Hills Synagogue-Congregation B’nai Avraham in Cincinnati, and is a 2017 ordinee of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Rabbi Ferro is joined by the host of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Drew Kaplan, […]

The Ammonite Wine Midrash, featuring Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein

There is a midrash (rabbinic narrative expansion) involving something known as “Ammonite wine”, which expands upon the incident in Numbers 25:1-3. To discuss this midrash, which can be found in various rabbinic texts, The Jewish Drinking Show welcomes first-time guest Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein. Rabbi Klein has published Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew, as well as the article […]

Pre-Pandemic Liquor Sales, featuring Mendy Mark

How has the pandemic affected liquor sales, especially at a kosher liquor store? Joining The Jewish Drinking Show for the first time is Mendy Mark, the manager at FillerUP Wines in Teaneck, NJ. As a note, while putting this episode together, I realized that there was a lot of content here, so I split out […]

Psalms 104:15 in the Babylonian Talmud featuring Professor AJ Berkovitz

Intro An intriguing verse appears in the book of Psalms: “וְיַ֤יִן ׀ יְשַׂמַּ֬ח לְֽבַב־אֱנ֗וֹשׁ wine cheers the hearts of men” (Psalm 104:15), which is a felicitous Biblical expression, although how do the rabbis of the Babylonian Talmud use it? For the 73rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Professor AJ Berkovitz joins the show to discuss […]

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