Lot & His Daughters
The story of Lot and his daughters (Gen. 19:30-38) is certainly an interesting Biblical drinking story. Here are the episodes of The Jewish Drinking Show concerning this story: Ep. 7 – “Lot Gets Drunk with His Daughters”, featuring Aaron Roller (13 November 2019) Ep. 8 – “Discussing Lot’s Drinking with His Daughters”, featuring Rabbi Eryn […]
Lot, Lot’s Daughters, and Wine, featuring Aliza Lipkin
For the 50th episode of the JewishDrinking.com video and podcast show, Aliza Lipkin joins with host Rabbi Drew Kaplan to discuss Lot, Lot’s daughters, and wine. Aliza Lipkin writes and teaches in Israel, as well as creating weekly videos on the Torah portion for the past three years on her YouTube channel. Here is the […]
Lot and His Daughters’ Drinking Episode in the Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah)
For the 49th episode of the JewishDrinking.com podcast/video series, Rabbi Josh Yuter join the show in discussing midrashim on the drunken incident involving Lot and his daughters in Genesis chapter 19 with show host Rabbi Drew Kaplan. Rabbi Yuter recently returned to podcasting, having relaunched his new podcast What’s the Point of the Midrash?, exploring […]
Discussing Lot’s Drinking with His Daughters, featuring Rabbi Eryn London
For this week’s podcast/video episode, we have on featured guest Rabbi Eryn London, who is currently serving as the scholar-in-residence for JOFA UK, and is a graduate of Yeshivat Maharat. After last week’s episode discussing the incident of Lot’s drinking with his daughters, there is still strikingly more to discuss about this incident in the […]
Lot Gets Drunk with His Daughters
Discussing Lot’s getting drunk with his daughters (Gen. 19:30-38), guest Aaron Roller, co-host of The Portion podcast, chats with Jewish Drinking: The Show host, Rabbi Drew Kaplan, in both podcast and video versions: