Tag: Video clips

Clips from Episode #90 on Music and Drinking, featuring Rabbi Daniel Isaac

If you’re curious about the latest episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, featuring Rabbi Daniel Isaac discussing Rav Hai Gaon’s writings on music at drinking parties, you are welcome to check out these clips from the episode. In addition to three video clips, there is also a deleted scene herein, as well: Rav Hai Gaon’s opinions […]

Clips from the Hayyei Adam Episode of The Jewish Drinking Show (#87)

I am glad to share that I not only have made video clips available from yesterday’s episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, but even some extended video clips that didn’t fully make it into the episode. Hayyei Adam on Purim-Drinking Birkat HaMazon and Drinking in the Hayyei Adam (Extended Clip) Introduction to Rabbi Avraham Danzig and […]

Video Clips from the Professor Marc Shapiro Episode

Interested in checking out a couple of clips from the 84th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, featuring Professor Marc Shapiro? You’re in luck! Here are clips on the censorship of Rabbi Moshe Isserles’ gentile wine responsum and on Italian rabbis permitting the consumption of gentile wine:

Clips From Episode 83: Geonim and Maimonides on Gentile Wine

Interested in some clips from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show? You’re in luck! Here are a couple of clips from the 83rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, featuring Professor David Freidenreich: Geonim on Gentile Wine Maimonides on Gentile Wine

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