Tag: halakhah

Wine as חיי נפש according to Rabbi Moshe Isserles [Video Clip]

In this clip from the 33rd episode of Shu”t First, Ask Questions Later, Rabbi Drew Kaplan chats with Rabbi Moshe Kurtz concerning Rabbi Moshe Isserles‘ assertion that wine is חיי נפש in his rabbinic responsum #124:   The text under discussion for this clip is this excerpt from שו”ת רמ”א קכ”ד: מעתה דבפת נהגו בקצת מקומות […]

Rabbi Isserles on Drinking Between the 2nd & 3rd Glasses of Wine at the Seder [Video Clip]

In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss Rabbi Moshe Isserles‘ guidance regarding drinking between the second and third cups of wine at the Passover Seder:

Extending the Third Cup of Wine at the Seder? [Video Clip]

Despite there being an expected standard of not drinking a separate glass of wine between the third and fourth cups of wine at the Passover Seder, Rabbi Moshe Isserles suggested that one could extend the drinking of the third glass, as we see in this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show:

Drinking Between Glasses of Wine at the Passover Seder [The Jewish Drinking Show episode #154]

While we know about drinking four cups of wine at the Passover Seder, what about drinking between these four cups of wine? The newest episode of The Jewish Drinking Show focusses on exactly this topic. This episode is also the seventh “Drinks and Discussion”-style episode, featuring a texts-based discussion led by Rabbi Drew. Episode In addition […]

Drinking During Mourning [The Jewish Drinking Show, episode 150]

Introduction While not typically considered, drinking is something that can happen during mourning in Judaism. There is a prohibition against drinking between death of a loved one and their burial, called aninut, there is an interesting debate concerning drinking during shivah, around which the 150th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show centers. In this fifth […]

Hanukah-Drinking in Halakhah [video clip]

In this clip from the Hanukah episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Ben Shefter and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss drinking on Hanukah in a few halakhic texts: The texts of our discussion are this text in the Shulhan Arukh (OH 670:2): ריבוי הסעודות שמרבים בהם הם סעודות הרשות שלא קבעום למשתה ושמחה Increasing meals which […]

Drinking In/Out of Sukkot [The Jewish Drinking Show episode 142]

Intro With the holiday of Sukkot only days away, a question that arises is which drinking is one allowed to do outside of the sukkah and how much does one need to drink within a sukkah? In this fourth “Drinks and Discussion”-style episode, Rabbi Drew Kaplan leads a text-based discussion on the topic. Previous “Drinks […]

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