Rabbi Isserles on Drinking Between the 2nd & 3rd Glasses of Wine at the Seder [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, we discuss Rabbi Moshe Isserles‘ guidance regarding drinking between the second and third cups of wine at the Passover Seder:
Extending the Third Cup of Wine at the Seder? [Video Clip]
Despite there being an expected standard of not drinking a separate glass of wine between the third and fourth cups of wine at the Passover Seder, Rabbi Moshe Isserles suggested that one could extend the drinking of the third glass, as we see in this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show:
Drinking Between Glasses of Wine at the Passover Seder [The Jewish Drinking Show episode #154]
While we know about drinking four cups of wine at the Passover Seder, what about drinking between these four cups of wine? The newest episode of The Jewish Drinking Show focusses on exactly this topic. This episode is also the seventh “Drinks and Discussion”-style episode, featuring a texts-based discussion led by Rabbi Drew. Episode In addition […]
Geographical Reception of the “Diminishing Our Joy” Explanation for Dropping Wine at the Passover Seder [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 153rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron discusses the differing geographical reception of the “Diminishing our joy” explanation for dropping wine at the Passover Seder:
The Origin of the “Diminishing Our Joy” Explanation for Dropping Wine at the Passover Seder [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 153rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron discusses the origin of the “Diminishing our joy” explanation for dropping wine at the Passover Seder:
What to Drink at the Seder During the Holocaust? [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 131st episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Professor Samuel Levine shares about Rabbi Ephraim Oshry’s rabbinic responsum on what Jews in the Kovno Ghetto could use for their four cups at the Passover Seder:
Four Cups and the Holocaust, featuring Professor Samuel Levine [Episode #131 of The Jewish Drinking Show]
Introduction While the Passover Seder is a celebration of the freedom of our Jewish ancestors from Egyptian slavery and becoming a nation, it is hard to picture this in terms of what the experience of being in the Holocaust, as it was very much not an experience of freedom. Moreover, a cornerstone of the Passover […]
The Four Cups of Wine as Elevating One’s Passion and One’s Strength [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 129th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Zac Kamenetz shares on Rav Nachman of Breslov’s approach to the four cups of wine at the Passover Seder elevating one’s passion and one’s strength to perform mitzvot:
Demons and the Four Cups of Wine at the Passover Seder [Redux] featuring Professor Sara Ronis
With Passover arriving at the end of this week, it’s a great time to revisit the Talmudic concern of demons when consuming an even number of cups of wine. Having previously discussed this topic on episode 25 of The Jewish Drinking Show, I am excited to revisit this topic with Professor Sara Ronis, whose forthcoming […]
Wine in Medieval Haggadah Art
It’s hard to ignore the role of wine during the Passover Seder. It’s also hard to ignore the haggadah at a Passover Seder. So what about wine in the Passover Haggadah? To discuss wine in Medieval Haggadah Art is Professor Marc Michael Epstein. Professor Epstein is the Professor of Religion on the Mattie M. Paschall […]