In addition to the writings, source sheets, videos, and podcasts available on this website, there are still plenty of Jewish drinking-related secondary literature out there. Below, you can find articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations:
- Alder, Daniel. “Drinking on Purim: When to Say When”. Judaism 40, Issue 1. (Winter 1991): 6-15.
- Bainwol, Suzanne and Dr. Charles F. Gressard. “The Incidence of Jewish Alcoholism: A Review of the Literature.” Journal of Drug Education 15:3 (September 1985): 217–224.
- Baruch, Melanie, Abraham Benarroch, and Gary E. Rockman. “Alcohol and Substance Use in the Jewish Community: A Pilot Study”. Journal of Addiction (2015): 1-4.
- Bergmann, Claudia D. “Drink and Drinking in Early Jewish Texts: Describing a Meal in the World to Come.” Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 30:3 (2021): 117–132.
- Bleich, J. David. “The Whiskey Brouhaha”. Tradition 34:2 (2000): 58-77.
- Broshi, Magen, “Date Beer and Date Wine in Antiquity”. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 139:1 (2007): 55-59.
- Cardozo, Nathan Lopes, “Needed: Redemptive Halakha”, Conversations 23 (Fall 2015): 29-44.
- Davis, Marni. “‘No Whisky Amazons in the Tents of Israel’: American Jews and the Gilded-Age Temperance Movement.” American Jewish History 94.3 (September 2008): 143-173
- Demsky, Aaron. “The Color of Judah’s Eyes”. TheTorah.com (11 January 2017) https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-color-of-judahs-eyes
- Farber, Zev, “The Original Reason for Spilling Wine: Protection from the Plagues”, TheTorah.com (7 April 2020) [https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-original-reason-for-spilling-wine-protection-from-the-plagues]
- Glassner, Barry and Bruce Berg. “How Jews Avoid Alcohol Problems”. American Sociological Review Vol. 45, No. 4 (August 1980): 647-664.
- Glazer, Nathan, “The Study of Man: Why Jews Stay Sober”, Commentary (February 1952) – link
- Golinkin, David, “Why Do We Spill 16 Drops of Wine While Reciting the Ten Plagues During the Seder?”, Responsa in a Moment 10.6 (10 June 2016) [https://schechter.edu/why-do-we-spill-16-drops-of-wine-while-reciting-the-ten-plagues-during-the-seder-responsa-in-a-moment-volume-10-issue-no-6-april-2016/]
- Grossman, Eliav, “‘Miracles Do Not Happen at Every Hour’: Purim-Drinking as Anti-Christian Polemic”, The Lehrhaus (9 March 2017) [https://www.thelehrhaus.com/scholarship/%E2%80%9Cmiracles-do-not-happen-at-every-hour%E2%80%9D-purim-drinking-as-anti-christian-polemic/]
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- Klein, Gil P. “Torah in Triclinia: The Rabbinic Banquet and the Significance of Architecture”. The Jewish Quarterly Review 102.3 (Summer 2012): 325-370.
- Loewenthal, Kate Miriam. “Addiction: Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Judaism”. Religions vol. 5 (2014): 972-984.
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- Males, Rabbi Akiva. “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drink and Dukhen: Birkat Kohanim and Simhat Torah in the Diaspora”. Tradition 49.2 (Summer 2016): 53-64.
- Malkiel, David. “Gentile Wine and Italian Exceptionalism”. Journal of Jewish Studies Vol. 68 (2017): 346-68.
- Naiman, Rabbi Kivi, “Brewing up Issues: Beer and the Kosher Consumer”. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society vol. 76 (June 2021): 35-60.
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- Ron, Zvi. “‘Our Own Joy is Lessened and Incomplete’: The History of an Interpretation of Sixteen Drops of Wine at the Seder“. Hakirah 19 (Winter 2015): 237-255.
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- Roth, Pinchas. “Kosher Wine in Medieval Provence and Languedoc- Production and Commerce”. Revue des Études Juives Vol. 178 (2019): 59-78.
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- Schremer, Adiel. “Jewish Wine with Christian Help: The Halakhic Complexities of Jewish-Christian Co-operation in Medieval France” (presented at the “Jewish Economic Players and Halakha in the Latin West (12th-15th centuries): Jews’ Wine and Viniculture” Conference in Paris in 2015).
- Shaul, Michal. “Kiddush Club: Fraternity, Authority, Class and Gender Challenges in the Modern Orthodox Synagogue.” Contemporary Jewry (12 July 2022).
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- Sherman, Tina M. “‘He Tethers His Donkey to the Vine’ – Judah Exported Soreqa Wine”. TheTorah.com (17 December 2021) https://www.thetorah.com/article/he-tethers-his-donkey-to-the-vine-judah-exported-soreqa-wine
- Soloveitchik, Haym. “Can Halakhic Texts Talk History?” AJS Review Vol. 3 (April 1978): 153-196.
- Sperber, Daniel. “The Prohibition of Eating Meat and Drinking Wine During the Three Weeks”. JOFA Journal 7:2 (Summer 2008): 22-23, 34.
- Sprecher, Hannah. “‘Let Them Drink and Forget Our Poverty’: Orthodox Rabbis React to Prohibition.” American Jewish Archives, Vol. 43, No. 2 (1991): 135-179.
- Stern, Sacha. “Compulsive Libationers: Non-Jews and Wine in Early Rabbinic Sources.” Journal of Jewish Studies 64.1 (2013): 19-44.
- Unkovic, Charles M.; Rudolf J. Adler; and Susan E. Miller. “The Contemporary State of Jewish Alcoholism”. Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall/Winter 1976-77): 19-26.
- Vaaknin, Rafi, “Fathers and Sons and Wine: The Oedipal Complex”. Hakirah 25 (Fall 2018): 251-263.
- Weinstein, Rosie. “Blowing the Lid off Sherry Casks“. Kol Mevaseret (2012): 87-100.
- Weinstein, Yaakov S. “Grape Juice: the Solution to Prohibition.” Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought Vol. 48, No. 1 (Spring 2015): 19-32.
- Whitley, C.F. “A Note on Habakkuk 2:15”. The Jewish Quarterly Review NS Vol. 66, No. 3 (January 1976): 143-147.
- Wonder, Arnold A. “Ben Sira and the Praises of Wine”. The Jewish Quarterly Review NS Vol. 61, No. 2 (October 1970): 155-166.
- Zivotofsky, Ari, “What’s the Truth about…Birkat Hamazon over Wine?“. Jewish Action (Winter 2000): ?-?
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- David, Abraham. “Use of Wine by Near Eastern Jews in the Late Middle Ages and Beyond”. In “In the Dwelling of a Sage Lie Precious Treasures”: Essays in Jewish Studies in Honor of Shnayer Z. Leiman, edited by Yitzhak Berger and Chaim Milikowsky, 225-240. New York City: Yeshiva University Press, 2020.
- Ebeling, Jennie R. and Michael M. Homan. “Baking and Brewing Beer in the Israelite Household: A Study of Women’s Cooking Technology”. In The World of Women in the Ancient and Classical Near East, edited by Beth Alpert Nakhai, 45-62. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
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- Homan, Michael. “Beer, Barley, and שֵׁכָר in the Hebrew Bible”. In Le-David Maskil: A Birthday Tribute for David Noel Freedman, edited by Richard Elliott Friedman and William H. C. Propp, 25-38. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004.
- Marks, Susan. “How Ancient Greeks, Romans, Jews and Christians Drank Their Wine” In Feasting and Fasting: The History and Ethics of Jewish Food, edited by Aaron Gross, Jody Myers, and Jordan Rosenblum. New York: New York University Press, 2019. 170-188.
- Putzu, Vadim. “Tasting Heaven: Wine and the World to Come from the Talmud to Safed”. In olam ha-zeh v’olam ha-ba: This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice, edited by Leonard J. Greenspoon, 151-170. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2017.
- Rosenblum, Jordan D. “Inclined to Decline Reclining? Women, Corporeality, and Dining Posture in Early Rabbinic Literature”. In Meals in the Early Christian World: Social Formation, Experimentation, and Conflict at the Table. Edited by Dennis E. Smith and Hal Taussig, 261-274. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
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- Wulkan, Reba. “The Grape and the Vine: A Motif in Contemporary Jewish Textiles.” In Creating Textiles: Makers, Methods, Markets. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, Inc. New York, NY, September 23–26, 1998, 369-377. Earleville, MD: Textile Society of America, Inc., 1999.
- Gersten, Eli. Review of Wine, Whisky & Halachah: A Halachic Overview to The Laws of Wine and Whisky, Including Scotch Whisky Matured in Sherry Casks, by HaRav Shraga Kallus and Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky. Jewish Action 80, no. 3 (Spring 2020): 104-105.
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- Román, Rachel. “Staying sober on Purim: Jews with alcohol use disorder can be triggered during the drinking holiday”. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. (11 March 2022).
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