Drinking is found throughout the Bible (when referring to the Bible, I mean the תנ”ך, the Hebrew Bible (not the New Testament)), so there is plenty to explore! In addition to some written resources below, you can also check out both clips from The Jewish Drinking Show, as well as full episodes from The Jewish Drinking Show on biblical drinking below.
- Beer in Tanakh: Top Five Mentions of Beer in Books of the Bible
- Drunkenness in the Bible: Top Four Mentions of Drunkenness in Books of the Bible
- Libations in the Bible: Top Ten Mentions of Libations in Books of the Bible
- The Phrase משתה in the Bible as “Drinking Party”
- Peripety in the book of Esther
- Going to the House of Mourning vs the House of Drinking (Ecclesiastes 7:2)
- What did Noah do with planting a vineyard when he descended the ark?
- A Consideration of Beer in the Bible
- Archaeological Evidence of Beer-Brewing in Ancient Israel
- When and How Much Libations in the Torah?
- Lot’s Daughters and the Use of Wine
- Ep. 116 – Pharoah’s Cupbearer And Baker As Cultural Conflict Of Wine Vs. Beer with Dr. Jon Greenberg
- Drinking Parties In The Book Of Esther with Professor Joshua Joel Spoelstra
- Lot, Lot’s Daughters, And Wine with Aliza Lipkin
- The Libation Episode with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier
- Women And Biblical Beer-Brewing with Professor Jennie Ebeling
- Beer in the Bible with Professor Michael Homan
- Discussing Lot’s Drinking with His Daughters with Rabbi Eryn London
- Lot Gets Drunk With His Daughters with Aaron Roller
- Exploring Noah’s Getting Drunk: What Did Ham Do To Noah? with Professor John Bergsma
- Drinking in the Book of Ecclesiastes with Rabbi Daniel Epstein