Category: Beverages

Cocktail Suggestions for Rosh HaShanah from Dan Rabinowitz [Deleted Clip from 114th Episode of The Jewish Drinking Show]

In this deleted clip from the 114th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dan Rabinowitz and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss cocktail suggestions for Rosh HaShanah:     For other Rosh HaShanah content, here’s a video clip on drinking on Rosh HaShanah and here’s a list of suggestions for recipes for cocktails on Rosh HaShanah.

Making Cocktails on Shabbat, featuring Dan Rabinowitz [The Jewish Drinking Show episode #114]

As cocktails can offer a delicious enhancement to one’s Shabbat experience, yet there are various challenges that present themselves with regards to proscribed activities on Shabbat, how can one go about making cocktails on Shabbat? To help us navigate these concerns in both keeping to one’s Shabbat observance, as well as enjoying cocktails on Shabbat, […]

Wine and Shemittah, featuring Rabbi Ezra Friedman [Episode 111 of The Jewish Drinking Show]

A question I have been receiving since this year is a shemittah year, is “What is the deal with Shemittah wine?” To answer this question is first-time guest to The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Ezra Friedman. Rabbi Friedman is the Deputy Rabbinic Administrator of OU Kosher in Israel, the Director of the OU Gustave and Carol […]

Byzantine-Era Winery in Yavneh

When the news was released in October that the largest Byzantine-era was discovered in Israel, it widely received coverage (including The Washington Post, Smithsonian Magazine, NPR, The Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, and many more), which is great. One of the lead archaeologists on that excavation is Dr. Jon Seligman, who joins The Jewish Drinking Show for episode […]

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