Rescheduling Booze in the Holy Land Trip 2022

Having shared the great opportunity for the first-ever Booze in the Holy Land trip a month ago, we were very excited for the first such trip in just a few months. However, owing to recent challenges to finalize logistics with the uncertainty caused by the newest variant of COVID-19, we are having to reschedule the […]

Purim-Drinking Resources [Daf Yomi – Megillah 7b]

Are you either preparing for the upcoming Daf Yomi for Megillah 7b or already there and looking for resources? Here are some helpful resources on Purim-drinking on the daf: essay on drinking on Purim – Megillah 7b “Drinking on Purim in the Talmud” – ep. 19 of The Jewish Drinking Show, featuring Prof. Jordan Rosenblum “Rava, Mordechai, And […]

Homa’s Day in Court, featuring Noam Sachs Zion

The newest episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is now out on an intriguing Talmudic incident involving a widow demanding wine in court. Featuring first-time guest, Noam Sachs Zion, we discuss an incident involving Abayye’s widow, Rava, and Rava’s wife, about which he wrote in Wine, Women and the War of the Sexes, which is […]

Taverns in the Talmud? Featuring Professor Laura Lieber

Taverns in the Talmud? Dancing at taverns in the Talmud? Yes, this is certainly a curious topic. We don’t often think about taverns in the Talmud, but I was struck by Professor Laura Lieber’s discussion of the term בי כובי in her “Daru in the Winehouse: The Intersection of Status and Dance in the Jewish […]

Schedule for The Next Three Months of The Jewish Drinking Show

Having announced the schedule for The Jewish Drinking Show a few months ago, I am now excited to share the schedule for the next three months. Although I had already shared the December 2021 episodes as mentioned in the previous schedule announcement, I am including them again, including the month break between mid-December and mid-January. […]

Booze in the Holy Land Trip Registration Now Open

Having previously announced the first-ever Booze in the Holy Land trip, I am excited to share that registration for the trip is now open! Booze in the Holy Land will be a phenomenal opportunity to not only experience Israeli wine, whiskey, and more, but also to gain special access to hear from those involved in […]

Video Clips from the Professor Marc Shapiro Episode

Interested in checking out a couple of clips from the 84th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, featuring Professor Marc Shapiro? You’re in luck! Here are clips on the censorship of Rabbi Moshe Isserles’ gentile wine responsum and on Italian rabbis permitting the consumption of gentile wine:

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