Kiddush Club Experiences, featuring Udi Zinar [The Jewish Drinking Show, episode #125]
Introduction Having provided an introductory overview of kiddush clubs (episode #45), as well as a fascinating framework in which to consider kiddush clubs (episode #124), the 125th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features Udi Zinar discussing a range of kiddush club experiences. Brief Biography of Guest Ehud “Udi” Zinar is a Relationship & personal […]
Oneg Shabbas Parashah Sheet For Yitro [10-11 February 2023]
For the third week in a row, the Oneg Shabbas parashah sheet, the unofficial parashah sheet for kiddush clubs, is now available. This issue has a d’var Torah on kiddush being the fulfillment of one of the Ten Commandments, timing of Purim-drinking in the lead-up to Purim, and a little on this week’s episode of […]
Kiddush Clubs as Mens’ Clubs, featuring Dr. Michal Shaul [The Jewish Drinking Show, episode #124]
Intro Having previously discussed kiddush clubs on the 45th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, there is a lot more to explore, especially considering that only a half-year ago, the first ever academic paper to be published on the topic came out. “Kiddush Club: Fraternity, Authority, Class and Gender Challenges in the Modern Orthodox Synagogue,” was […]
The Early 3rd Century Rabbinic Debate About Friday Night Kiddush at Synagogue
As kiddush consists of saying two blessings – one over wine and one over sanctifying Shabbat – what happens when it is said not at meal? While it may have been taken for granted during Tannaitic (early Rabbinic) times that the Shabbat Sanctification (קידוש היום (commonly referred to as simply קידוש, kiddush)) is to take […]
Kiddush in Kabbalah, featuring Rabbi Dr. Joel Hecker [Episode #82 of The Jewish Drinking Show]
Discussing Kiddush in Kabbalah on the 82nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is first-time guest, Professor Rabbi Joel Hecker. Specifically, we discuss what the author of the Zohar writes about kiddush requirements. Rabbi Dr. Hecker serves as Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and is among today’s most prominent scholars of kabbalah. He […]
Maimonides on Kiddush and Havdallah
In the 66th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Dan Margulies joins Rabbi Drew Kaplan in a discussion on Maimonides’ views on Kiddush and Havdallah for Shabbat. Guest Bio Rabbi Dan Margulies is currently on the high school Judaics faculty of the Berman Hebrew Academy. He was formerly rabbi of The Riverdale Minyan, formerly […]
The Kiddush Club Episode
The 45th podcast/video episode of the Show is now out! Featuring Rabbi Avi Finegold, this episode is all about Kiddush Clubs. Here is the video of the episode: Here is the podcast of the episode: Towards the end of the episode, Rabbi Finegold mentions this post from The Seforim Blog on “Jews, Drinking & […]
Daytime Kiddush: An Introduction
Introduction The regality and pageantry that accompanies the Friday night kiddush (sanctification) is a glorious and enjoyable way to enter in and celebrate Shabbat, demarcating it as a special sanctuary in time. However, in addition to this initiating kiddush, there is another kiddush on Shabbat. “The Great Sanctification” This daytime kiddush’s name is called Kiddusha […]