The Rebellious Son (Ben Sorer Umoreh), featuring Dr. Rebekah Welton [The Jewish Drinking Show, ep. 149]
Introduction The legislation in the Torah concerning a wayward and rebellious son (בן סורר ומורה) is an interesting, enigmatic, and curious passage relating to raising children (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). It also happens to be an interesting Jewish drinking text to explore. Fortunately, the 149th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features a guest who has written on […]
Wine (יין) Appearances in the Torah
The term for wine (יין) appears 25 times in the five books of Moses. Ten of these are in the book of Genesis, seven in the book of Numbers, five in the book of Deuteronomy, two in the book of Leviticus, and one in the book of Exodus. There are 14 parshiyot that have יין […]