Tag: Tanakh

Drunkenness in the Bible, featuring Dr. Rebekah Welton [The Jewish Drinking Show episode #162]

Introduction Ever wondered about what the Bible has to say about drunkenness? That’s exactly what host Rabbi Drew chats about with guest Dr. Rebekah Welton on the 162nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show. Brief Biography of the Guest Dr. Rebekah Welton is a lecturer in Hebrew Bible at the University of Exeter in the […]

The Rebellious Son (Ben Sorer Umoreh), featuring Dr. Rebekah Welton [The Jewish Drinking Show, ep. 149]

Introduction The legislation in the Torah concerning a wayward and rebellious son (בן סורר ומורה) is an interesting, enigmatic, and curious passage relating to raising children (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). It also happens to be an interesting Jewish drinking text to explore. Fortunately, the 149th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features a guest who has written on […]

Drunkenness in the Bible: Top Four Mentions of Drunkenness in Books of the Bible

While drunkenness happens, how does it actually appear in the Bible? Here is a list of top four books of the Bible in which drunkenness is mentioned the most. Please note that the word for drunk, שכור, or drunkenness, שכרות, is similar to the word for beer, שכר, which appears 23 times in the Bible. […]

Drinking Parties in the Book of Esther

Introduction The 60th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show features a discussion on the drinking parties in the book of Esther, featuring first-time guest Professor Joshua Joel Spoelstra. Guest Bio Professor Spoelstra is a professor of World Religions at Piedmont College, the Pastor at Downtown Community Fellowship in Clemson, SC, and whose dissertation was “Life-preservation in Genesis […]

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