Inappropriate Drinking in the Bible [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton shares about inappropriate drinking in the Bible:
Translating שכר as Beer in the Bible [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton and Rabbi Drew discuss translating שכר as “beer” in the Bible:
Stories of Drunkenness in Genesis [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss stories of drunkenness in the book of Genesis:
Libations In The Bible: Top Ten Mentions of Libations In Books Of The Bible
This past weekend, somehow the matter of libations in the Bible came up and someone said there would be a lot in Leviticus; however, it turns out that the book with the most mentions of libations (נסך) is actually the book of Numbers. (For more on libations, you can check out “The Libations Episode” of […]
Drunkenness in the Bible: Top Four Mentions of Drunkenness in Books of the Bible
While drunkenness happens, how does it actually appear in the Bible? Here is a list of top four books of the Bible in which drunkenness is mentioned the most. Please note that the word for drunk, שכור, or drunkenness, שכרות, is similar to the word for beer, שכר, which appears 23 times in the Bible. […]
Beer in Tanakh: Top Five Mentions of Beer in Books of the Bible
While wine is the preferred beverage in the Bible, a beverage that is often overlooked is beer (שכר). (For more on beer in the Bible, check out the episodes “Beer in the Bible” and “Women And Biblical Beer-Brewing” of The Jewish Drinking Show.) Herein are the top five mentions of beer in books of the Bible: […]
Pharoah’s Cupbearer and Baker as Cultural Conflict of Wine vs. Beer, featuring Dr. Jon Greenberg [The Jewish Drinking Show Episode #116]
A story we encounter in the book of Genesis that, at first glance, may seem to have something to do with drinking could also be seen as having a lot to do with drinking. I am speaking about that concerning Pharoah’s cupbearer (drinks-master) and his baker, whom Joseph meets in jail and interprets their dreams. […]
Wine (יין) Appearances in the Torah
The term for wine (יין) appears 25 times in the five books of Moses. Ten of these are in the book of Genesis, seven in the book of Numbers, five in the book of Deuteronomy, two in the book of Leviticus, and one in the book of Exodus. There are 14 parshiyot that have יין […]
Two Recent Essays on Biblical Wine Terms
In a two-part series of essays, Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein, the featured guest of episode #75 of The Jewish Drinking Show, shares both about words for wine as well as for various understandings of them. These two essays, “Purim: Words For Wine”, were published in The Jewish Press. Part one of this series goes through […]
Purposes of Drinking Parties in Esther? [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 60th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, “Drinking Parties in the Book of Esther”, Professor Joshua Joel Spoelstra and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss the different purposes of the drinking parties in the book of Esther: