The Ammonite Wine Midrash, featuring Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
There is a midrash (rabbinic narrative expansion) involving something known as “Ammonite wine”, which expands upon the incident in Numbers 25:1-3. To discuss this midrash, which can be found in various rabbinic texts, The Jewish Drinking Show welcomes first-time guest Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein. Rabbi Klein has published Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew, as well as the article […]
Lot and His Daughters’ Drinking Episode in the Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah)
For the 49th episode of the podcast/video series, Rabbi Josh Yuter join the show in discussing midrashim on the drunken incident involving Lot and his daughters in Genesis chapter 19 with show host Rabbi Drew Kaplan. Rabbi Yuter recently returned to podcasting, having relaunched his new podcast What’s the Point of the Midrash?, exploring […]
Were Grapes the Fruit that Adam and Eve Ate?
Although I know you’re probably thinking “What does the fruit that Adam and Eve ate have to do with drinking?” And that’s a great question! Wine/Grapevine? It turns out there is a rabbinic text that associates wine with this fruit (bBerakhot 40a & bSanhedrin 70a-b): תניא רבי מאיר אומר אותו אילן שאכל אדם הראשון ממנו […]