The Dead Sea Scrolls have been noticeably absent up until now for The Jewish Drinking Show. To remedy this situation, the 72nd episode of the show centers on a wine festival in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Featuring Professor Marvin Sweeney, this episode is on the wine festival in The Temple Scroll.
Guest Bio
Prof. Marvin A. Sweeney is Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Claremont School of Theology at Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. His Ph.D. is from Claremont Graduate University. He is the author of sixteen volumes, such as Tanak: A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Jewish Bible; Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust Theology; and Jewish Mysticism: From Ancient Times through Today. This episode is based off of his article “How the Temple Scroll Rewrote the Festival of Bikkurim”, which is based off of his larger article, “Sefirah at Qumran: Aspects of the Counting Formulas for the First-Fruits Festivals in the Temple Scroll,” BASOR 251 (1983) 61-66, which was republished in Reading Prophetic Books: Form, Intertextuality and Reception in Prophetic and Post-Biblical Literature (FAT 89; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014), 337-345. (Fun fact: this episode is the second episode based off of an article from; the previous episode being “The Origin Of Dropping Wine At The Passover Seder”.)
This episode is available in both audio (podcast) and video formats. It is available in audio both below, as well as on your favorite podcast platform:
Video Clip
Here is a video clip from the episode: