Stories of Drunkenness in Genesis [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Rebekah Welton and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss stories of drunkenness in the book of Genesis:
The Only Bourbon Finished in Israeli Wine Casks [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 148th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Josh Quinn of Boone County Distilling shares the story behind the only Bourbon finished in Israeli wine casks:
Hanukah-Drinking in Halakhah [video clip]
In this clip from the Hanukah episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Ben Shefter and Rabbi Drew Kaplan discuss drinking on Hanukah in a few halakhic texts: The texts of our discussion are this text in the Shulhan Arukh (OH 670:2): ריבוי הסעודות שמרבים בהם הם סעודות הרשות שלא קבעום למשתה ושמחה Increasing meals which […]
Creating Twin Suns [video clip]
In this clip from the 147th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Ami & Larissa Nahari of The River Wine discuss the creation of Twin Suns wines: If you’re interested in hearing from the Weiss Brothers on this topic, you can check out this clip from episode 120.
Difficulties in Starting-up as a Distributor [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 147th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Ami & Larissa Nahari of The River Wine discuss difficulties in starting-up a kosher spirits and wine distribution business:
Creating Barrel-Aged Kosher-for-Passover Products [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 147th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Ami & Larissa Nahari of The River Wine discuss the creation of their first-to-market certified kosher-for-Passover products of both Anoche reposado tequila and Ethan’s Reserve sorghum whiskey:
Why Thinkers Distillery Uses Water from Jerusalem’s Air [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Bennett Kaplan shares why Thinkers Distillery uses water from Jerusalem’s air:
The Lack of Changes in the Spirits Industry in the 20th Century [Video Clip]
In this clip from the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Bennett Kaplan shares about the lack of changes in the spirits industry in the 20th century:
Changes in the Craft Beer Scene in Israel [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 143rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Ephraim Greenblatt and Shmuel Naky share about changes in the craft beer scene in Israel:
Arukh HaShulḥan on Drinking with Regards to Sukkah
In this clip from the 142nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Drew leads a discussion on what Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein (1829-1908) wrote in his Arukh HaShulḥan regarding drinking in/out of sukkot: