Following the publication of the 54th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show on New Riff Distilling, featuring its then sales director Mollie Lewis, I began to receive questions from listeners regarding their selling of ḥametz, a topic we had discussed on that episode. Having looked into the matter further, it turns out they have been working on becoming fully kosher since 2021, including, as I shared last year, selling their ḥametz ever since (2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024) to Central Kosher (a division of Cincinnati Kosher (Vaad Hoier of Cincinnati)).

A newer question that I have received from curious consumers is now that it has been sold these past several years, when will their products begin to be free of any non-sold ḥametz? Having spoken with representatives from Cincinnati Kosher, it seems that widely available products won’t be hitting the shelves for another year or two. However, there is now a new product that, for the first time since the pandemic, is kosher-certified under Cincinnati Kosher.

In speaking with Lewis, who ascended to New Riff’s presidency in March, this new product is a kosher single-barrel selection of a Bourbon, which is four years old (a rye may be coming available within the next year). Their pricing is the same as their other single-barrel Bourbon offerings at $52.99 per bottle with a minimum of a 60-bottle purchase. The point of contact at this point is either Mollie or Emma Chaney, who may be contacted at
Hopefully, we will see future such kosher-certified products coming from New Riff in years to come – l’chaim🥃😃