Dispelling Myths & Stigmas of Jewish Addiction [Video Clip]
In this clip from the 103rd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Marla Kaufman speaks on dispelling myths and stigmas of Jewish addiction:
Jewish Addiction Awareness, featuring Marla Kaufman [episode 103 of The Jewish Drinking Show]
Having focused on recovery in the previous episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, for those less aware of addiction – with alcohol, for instance – it may be hard to know how to help or otherwise relate to people going through these experiences. To discuss raising awareness about addiction in the Jewish community, episode 103 […]
Addiction as Isolation
In this clip from the 102nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Rabbi Ilan Glazer describes addiction as isolation: This clip is also available on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.
Jewish Recovery, featuring Rabbi Ilan Glazer [ep. 102 of The Jewish Drinking Show]
While drinking is a wonderful activity that can enhance many people’s lives, it can also be a challenging aspect for others. For those who have struggled with alcohol, in addition to various resources available, what does recovery look like? To discuss this topic for the 102 episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is Rabbi Ilan […]