As today is the first day of Hanukah, here are some resources for you regarding drinking on Hanukah.
Episodes of The Jewish Drinking Show
First up is the “Drinking on Hanukah” episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, followed up by the related “Wine in the Book of Judith” episode of The Jewish Drinking Show.
Hanukah-Themed Cocktails
Looking for some ideas for Hanukah-themed cocktails? Here are several Hanukah-themed cocktails:
- Aaron Goldfarb – “Drink a Jelly Doughnut Beertail—a Recreation of Sufganiyot—for Hanukkah” (Esquire)
- Tina Wasserman – “The Latkatini – A Hanukkah Cocktail” (Reform Judaism)
- Justine Sterling – “Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel” (Food & Wine)
- Ashley Bray – “Hanukkah Cocktail: Kislev Fizzer” (Bar Business)
- Dovid Statman – The Oliveto Martini”
- Aron Katz – “The Oliveto Martini”
- Jay Rosen – “Deconstructed Sufganiyah”: Bourbon, Boukha (fig eau de vie), strawberry macerated in powdered sugar, vanilla, and aromatic bitters
- Jake Niman – “Misceo Miracle”: A cocktail created in collaboration with Misceo Liqueur, featuring Misceo Coffee liqueur, rum, and a custard-infused cream. Garnished with dark chocolate shavings
Lists of Hanukah-Themed Cocktails
If those cocktails were not enough for you, here are more than a half-dozen lists of Hanukah-themed cocktails:
- Liza Schoenfein – “8 Hanukkah-themed cocktails — and one perfect biscuit — to light up the nights” (Forward)
- Louis Nayman – “12 Yuletide-Themed Cocktails for Hanukkah” (Tablet)
- Shaked Karabelnicoff – “5 festive Hanukkah cocktails you can make at home” (Unpacked)
- Greg Horton – “8 Hanukkah Cocktails to Celebrate the Festival of Lights” (Reserve Bar)
- Aviva Goldfarb – “Hanukkah Cocktail Recipes that Can Get you Lit During the Festival of Lights” (Aviva Goldfarb)
- Leann Pignone – “Best Hanukkah Cocktail Recipes” (Simply Charmed)
- Nicholas Mancall-Bitel – “The Best Blue and White Cocktails to Celebrate Hanukkah” (Supercall)
- Bob Gorman – “8 Kosher Cocktails to Get You Through Hanukkah” (Jewish Journal)
- Sara Rukeyser – “8 Cocktails to Drink for Every Night of Hanukkah” (Spoon University)
- Shannon Entin – “5 Hanukkah Cocktails to Put the Mazel in your Tov” (Spilling Tequila)
Happy Hanukah!