New Riff and Selling of Hametz
A question I not infrequently receive concerns New Riff Distilling. While I enjoy that it is less than a twenty-minute drive from my house and greatly enjoyed featuring them on The Jewish Drinking Show in 2020, it turns out there is more to the story. While on the show, one question we discussed regarded their […]
Whiskey and Other Spirits in Yiddish [Video Clip]
In this clip from the newest episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Jordan Finkin shares about Yiddish terms for whiskey and other spirits:
The Innovation of Ḥametz-Selling and Its Aftermath, featuring Dan Rabinowitz [The Jewish Drinking Show Episode #130]
Intro Having previously published episode #24 of The Jewish Drinking Show on “Whiskey As the Catalyst for the Selling of Chametz, the 130th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show delves more deeply into this topic, for which we are excited to have Dan Rabinowitz on the show to discuss this topic. Biography of Guest In […]
Thornton Distilling & Dead Drop Spirits, featuring Ari Klafter [The Jewish Drinking Show, Episode #128]
Introduction In addition to a producer of certified spirits, Thornton Distilling produces certified kosher-for-Passover spirits, including a barrel-aged rum. To discuss these products on The Jewish Drinking Show is Ari Klafter. Biography of Guest Ari Klafter is the Head Distiller and co-owner of Thornton Distilling Company, maker of Dead Drop Spirits, where he leads production and develops […]
Making Distilling Legal in Chicago (& Illinois) [Clip from Episode #118 of The Jewish Drinking Show]
In this video clip from the 118th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show, Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart shares how she worked with her Chicago and Illinois legislators to pave the legal path for KOVAL Distillery to open:
KOVAL Distillery, featuring Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart [The Jewish Drinking Show, episode 118]
Introduction I was surprised to hear in the course of the 118th episode that there were fewer than 45 distilleries in the US just a decade and a half ago when the founders of KOVAL Distillery sought to enter into business(!). In talking with one of the co-founders, Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart, I was impressed […]
Golden Moon Distillery Adds Kosher Certification to Most Products
As of last week, Golden Moon Distillery has now added almost all of its products to being certified as kosher. While many of Golden Moon Distillery’s whiskey products were already under the certification of Earth Kosher, they have now added almost all of the rest of their products to kosher-certification. According to Stephen Gould, the […]
Jews in American Distilling History
Despite what we may think about distilling in America, in general, and Bourbon, in particular, Jews have been involved in significant ways in American distilling history. The focus of the 88th episode of The Jewish Drinking Show is exactly that: Jews in American distilling history. The featured guest to discuss this topic is Maggie Kimberl, who […]
New Kosher Beverage Resources
Four new resources have been launched to help kosher-concerned consumers consider kosher drinks. Specifically, these pages are on beer wine whiskey whiskey aged in containers that previously held gentile wine (e.g. Scotch in Sherry casks) While these resources are still quite new, I welcome any feedback, suggestions, questions, or more at Drew [at]
Distilling & Beer in Israel During the Pandemic – Clips From Episode #79
In case you were curious about checking out the recent episode of The Jewish Drinking Show on Pandemic Pivoting in Israel with Joel Haber, here are a couple of video clips from the episode: