A question that I frequently encounter is where can one purchase kosher-certified vermouth? This question frequently occurs due to vermouth being largely wine-based and, therefore, subject to concerns about gentile wine, thus requiring kosher-certification.
While one can generally find Kedem’s dry vermouth or sweet vermouth in the US, in case you are looking for another kosher-certified vermouth, what else could you use?
Something I know people like to buy is kosher-certified vermouth in Israel, particularly the special kosher-certified runs of Martini & Rossi, although there are others. (In full disclosure, I typically bring back kosher-certified vermouth when I travel to Israel, so I’m amongst those people.)
However, for those not able to purchase vermouth in Israel (or have friends or family bring it back for them), there are a couple of other domestic options:
- Hajdu Wines produces a vermouth, which you can purchase online here
- Promised Land Beverage Company produces both a sweet vermouth and a dry vermouth, both of which you can purchase online here
In case you are not interested in purchasing kosher-certified vermouths online, you can also make your own. Here is one such recipe that came recommended to me.
Any others you come across? Please let me know at Drew [at] JewishDrinking.com